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镜像蛋白酶 产品/ Proteases-N Products


rTrypsin N 蛋白酶/ Protease-N 


订货号:HLS TRY001N


说明: 质谱级rTrypsin-N蛋白酶特异性水解在赖氨酸K和精氨酸R片段的N端的肽键。是Trypsin的镜像蛋白酶,酶切N端的系列蛋白酶

物理形态: 质谱级rTrypsin-N蛋白酶是冻干粉

分子量:      29kDa.

溶解液:      使用超纯水40ul溶解后使用, PH=7.5


保质期:    24月在-80℃

pH 值范围: 在PH7.5 时, rTrypsin-N 具有最佳活性

适用范围: rTrypsin-N蛋白酶特异性水解变性后蛋白质K位和R位肽键。


蛋白酶推荐酶切体系:20-50mM HEPES或Tris 缓冲液

使用条件:按照  20:1 蛋白和蛋白酶的量(w/w)使用,  37°C恒温反应4小时以上.


最大活性:建议蛋白样本经过变性和烷基化处理后,同时严格执行酶切反应体系和SOP 2. 敏感性: 对1mM DTT,  0.1mM盐酸胍,  0.8M尿素,5%乙腈 敏感,会降低酶切效率

Part No.                   Name                                                 Size/pkg

HLS TRY001N        rTrypsin-N, Mass Spec Grade     20 μg


Description: rTrypsin-N, Mass Spec Grade, is an innovative protease that specifically hydrolyzes peptide bonds at the amino side of lysine and arginine residues. rTrypsin-N can be applied for post-translational modification (PTM) proteins research and is beat for protein sequencing. Peptides produced more b ions than y ions in the mass spectrometer. 

Physical Appearance: Supplied by lyophilized powder with 0.47 mg HEPES; 0.05mg CaCl2 per vial.

Molecular Weight: 29 kDa

Resuspension Buffer: 200 μL distilled water, pH 7.5

Storage Conditions: Store the lyophilized powder at –20°C, and reconstituted enzyme at –80 °C for up to 30 days.

Shelf life: 24 months at -80 ℃

Stability: rTrypsin-N is maximally active at pH 7.5.

In-Solution Protein Digestion Protocol:

  1. For maximum activity, resuspend Mass Spec Grade rTrypsin-N in 200 μL distilled water, pH 7.5.

  2. Use 20 - 50 mM HEPES solution, 0.1% BT Surfactant, or Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) for the protein mixture cleavage (recommended).

  3. Add 0.5μg/μL rTrypsin-N to a final enzyme : substrate ratio of 1 : 30. Mix well and incubated at 37 °C for 4 h.

Activity: 152 units/mg

Lys N 蛋白酶/ protease-N


订货号:HLS LYS001N

说明: 质谱级Lys-N蛋白酶特异性水解在赖氨酸片段的N端的肽键。是Lys-N的镜像蛋白酶,新的酶切N端的系列蛋白酶


物理形态:   质谱级Lys-N蛋白酶是冻干粉

分子量:      18.4kDa.

溶解液(HLS HAc001Zn):建议使用Lys-N蛋白酶复在50mM醋酸锌缓冲液中

储存条件:冻干粉末存储在-20℃冰箱,再溶解的酶储存在-20℃或- 80℃


pH 值范围: 在PH7-9 时, Lys-N 具有最佳活性

适用范围: Lys-N蛋白酶特异性水解变性后蛋白质K位

通用溶液酶解法:按照  1:50 蛋白和蛋白酶的量(w/w)使用, 37°C水浴酶切2小时.

缓冲溶液: 50mM碳酸氢铵缓冲溶液或50mM Tris-HCl  缓冲溶液(pH 8)

Part No.                      Name                                       Size /pkg

HLS LYS001N            Lys-N, Mass Spec Grade    20 μg

HLS HAc001Zn        50 μM Zinc Acetic buffer    200 μL


Description: Lys-N is an innovative protease that specifically hydrolyzes peptide bonds at the N-terminal of lysine residues. This enzyme can be applied for post-translational modification (PTM) protein research, and it produces more b ions than y ions in the spectrometer. Combing the use of Lys-N with rTrypsin-N gives the best way for protein sequencing.

Physical Appearance: Lyophilized powder

Molecular Weight: 18.4 kDa

Resuspension Buffer (HLS HAc001Zn): 50 μM Zinc Acetic buffer or Zinc Sulfate buffer.

Storage Conditions: Store the lyophilized powder at –20°C. Store reconstituted enzyme at -80 °C for up to 30 days.

Shelf life: 24 months at -80 ℃.

Stability: Maximally active in the pH range 7 - 9.

In-Solution Protein Digestion Protocol:

  1. Resuspend 20 μg of Mass Spectrum Grade Lys-N in 40 μL resuspension buffer for maximum activity.

  2. Add 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate or Tris-HCl (pH 8) to protein mixture (recommended).

  3. Add 0.5 μg/μL Lys-N to reach a final enzyme to substrate ratio of 1:30 to digest the samples. Mix well and incubate at 37 °C for 4 hours.

Activity: 394 U/mg.

Asp N蛋白酶.png

Asp N 蛋白酶/ protease-N


订货号:HLS ASP001N

说明: 质谱级蛋白酶 Asp-N是一种金属蛋白酶。在 pH 6.0-8.5 的磷酸盐、醋酸盐或 Tris 缓冲液中,特异性酶切天冬氨酸的 N 端肽键。

物理形态:   质谱级Asp-N蛋白酶是冻干粉(10 mM Tris-HCl)

分子量:       24.5kDa.

溶解液:    加50ul超纯水溶解

储存条件:冻干粉末存储在-20℃冰箱,再溶解的酶储存在-20℃或- 80℃

保质期:    12月在-80℃

pH 值范围: 在PH7-8 时, Asp N 具有最佳活性

适用范围: Asp N蛋白酶特异性酶切变性后蛋白质D位。

通用溶液酶解法:按照  1:50 蛋白酶和蛋白的量(w/w)使用, 37°C水浴酶切4小时.

缓冲溶液:10 mM Tris-HCl,pH 7.5。为避免自溶,孵育温度不得超过 37°C

​© May 03, 2022 北京华利世科技|北京生夏蛋白技术  版权所有. 

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