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生命科学/ Life Science Products
质谱级蛋白酶: Proteases for Proteomics


我们的产品:蛋白酶-C系列; 蛋白酶-N系列产品;糖苷酶;脂肪酶和免疫球蛋白酶系列产品




  • 不自残:适合蛋白组学生物标记物的应用,保证蛋白鉴定的专属性

  • 高活性:活性高用于蛋白测序新技术化

  • 质谱纯:超纯度,冻干粉产品

Endoproteinase turn the proteins into peptides, then are separated by LC and detected by mass spetrometry for biological data analysis. Our products:  Endoproteinase-C bond and Endoproteinase- N bond series products. these used for  the new protein sequenceing technology. specifically purfied to provide option digests for protemics application and Bio-pharmaceutical engineering .


the key Featuers :

  • No self-hydrolysis: be best  for proteomics Biomarkers and ensure specificity of protein identification

  • Activity: BEST for low abundance protein identification

  • High purity: ultra purity, lyophilized for  proteomics research.

BT 表面活性剂2.png
表面活性剂: BT Surfactant


质谱兼容的质谱级表面活性剂用于溶液中蛋白质提取、变性、增溶和酶切. 取代传统不可降解的SDS,盐酸胍,尿素等试剂;是新一代变性剂,酶促反应活性剂。



  • 改进的蛋白质溶解和提取,特别是对于大的疏水蛋白质

  • 在高温下用于蛋白质完全变性并自身降解

  • 在低温下增强蛋白酶的酶切效率

  • 增强PTM多肽高回收率;重复性好

  • 解决蛋白不污染变性;多肽无需脱盐处理




Part No.                                  Name                                         Size

HLS BTS001C                       BT Surfactant                          5 mg


Description: Protein denaturation and enzymolysis are essential experimental steps in analyzing peptides and glycans of biopharmaceutical antibodies and proteomics. The highly structural characteristics of proteins in their natural forms pose obstacles for enzymes to reach the cutting sites. In order to expose the proteins’ enzymatic cutting sites and make them effectively interact with the enzymes, proteins must undergo complete denaturation, reductive alkylation, and appropriate enzymatic reaction. Common denaturants, including urea, guanidine hydrochloride, and SDS, will carry out specific chemical modifications of the protein, such as carbamylation, which may cause the error in polypeptide identification. However, the BT Surfactant can effectively avoid many unfavorable post-translational modifications after protein denaturation.

Physical Appearance: Lyophilized powder

Molecular Weight: 393.28 Da

Resuspension Buffer (reference): Resuspend 5 mg BT Surfactant powder in 167 µL user’s buffer (pH 8.0) or double-distilled water to get 3% (w/v) solution.

Storage Conditions: Powder at - 20 °C, reconstituted solution at - 80 °C

Shelf Life: 24 months at -80 °C as solution; long-term effective at -20 °C as powder

pH Range: Maximally active for enzymatic reaction at pH 7-9; degrade and precipitate at pH 2-4. Temperature: < 1% BT Surfactant peak area after incubation at 37 °C for 4 hours; < 5% BT Surfactant peak are after incubation at 95 °C for 10 min.

Reference Procedure:

  1. Denature protein samples in 1-2% (w/v) BT Surfactant solution.

  1. Digest proteins with user’s protease in 0.1% (w/v) BT Surfactant solution.

IdeS | IdeZ

快速糖苷酶PNGase F: Glycosidase


抗体和抗体载体作为治疗药物。N-glycan Asn297 Fc区域的免疫球蛋白IgG功能Asn297的保留的N端寡糖是活性官能团。PNGase F 是从糖蛋白中去除N-连接寡糖的最有效的酶促方法。重组表达的快速PNGase F 是一种重组酰胺酶,可在高甘露糖、杂合和复合寡糖的最内层 GlcNAc 和天冬酰胺残基之间切割



  • 表征蛋白质是否被糖基化

  • 表征聚糖结构

  • 确定蛋白质上的糖基化位置



  • 可在天然或变性条件下使用

  • 酶切效率快:10min去除N-Glycan寡糖链

  • ≥ 99.5% 纯度,由UPLC/ESI-MS 测定

  • 不含甘油,质谱分析兼容


Part No.                     Name                                                Size /pkg

HLS PNG001C         rPNGase F, Mass Spec Grade     50 μL


Description: PNGase F (Peptide-N-glycosidase F) is a protease for deglycosylation of glycoproteins, and is produced by recombinant protein expression. The enzyme hydrolyze the N-terminal of the asparagine (Asn) residue side chain to release asparagine-linked oligosaccharides from glycoproteins and glycopeptides. The oligosaccharides can be high mannose, hybrid, or complex type.

Molecular Weight: 35 kDa

Composition: rPNGase F in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5 at 25 °C), 50 mM NaCl, and 5 mM EDTA solution

Concentration: 10 units/μL

Storage Conditions: Store at 2–8 °C. 

Shelf life: 12 months at 2–8 °C

Stability: rPNGase F is maximally active in the pH range of 6-10, best at pH 8.6 .

In-Solution Protein Digestion Protocol:

  1. For maximum activity, resuspend the user’s samples (eg. glycoprotein) with 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.8).

  2. Dissolve 20 μg samples in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate (pH 7.8) to a final volume of 18 μL.

  3. Add 2 μL rPNGase F to the solution in step 2.. Mix well and incubate at 37 °C for 30 min.

Activity: 40,000 units/min/mg

IdeS | IdeZ

免疫球蛋白酶: rIdeS | rIdeZ


重组表达纯化的IdeS 和 IdeZ 蛋白酶是IgG降解酶,用于表征单抗、Fc 融合蛋白治疗蛋白药物

  • 切割在铰链区下方的单个位点产生 F(ab') 2和 Fc 片段,具有高度可重复性和特异性

  • rIdeS 和 rIdeZ 蛋白酶均可有效切割来源于人的 IgG1、IgG2、IgG3 和 IgG4、人源化IgG 以及 Fc 融合蛋白。 IdeZ Protease 同时可切割鼠 抗IgG2a 和 IgG3


  • 酶切效率快:30min内酶切完全

  • ≥ 99.5% 纯度,由UPLC/ESI-MS 测定

  • 不含甘油,在质谱分析兼容

  • 与 PNGase F 结合可以实现整体糖蛋白的片段化和去糖基化


Part No.                  Name                           Size

HLS IDEZ001        rIdeZ                            20 μg

HLS PBS001         digestion buffer        0.5 mL


Description: rideZ, MS grade, is an engineered recombinant protease overexpressed in Escherichia coli. It cleaves specifically at a single recognition site below the hinge region to produce homogenous F(ab’)2 and Fc fragments. Both IdeS and IdeZ proteases effectively cleave human IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4, monkey, sheep, rabbit, humanized and chimeric IgG, and Fc fusion proteins. However, only the IdeZ protease cleaves mouse IgG2a and IgG3.

Physical Appearance: Lyophilized powder

Molecular Weight: 37 kDa

Resuspension Buffer (reference): 40 μL double-distilled water from user

Digestion Buffer: 10X 50 mM PBS, 150 mM NaCl (pH 6.6) solution

Storage Conditions: Powder at -20 °C

Shelf Life: 24 months at -20 °C

pH Range: Maximally active at pH 6-8

Application: rIdeS protease is an IgG-specific degradation enzyme to produce homogeneous F(ab’)2 and Fc fragments. 

In-Solution Protein Digestion Protocol (Recommended):

  1. Mix 5 μL 10X enzyme digestion buffer (HLS PBS001) and double-distilled water.

  2. Add 10 μL 10 μg/μL mAb samples to the mixture.

  3. Add 4 μL 0.5 μg/μL rIdeS (HLS IDE001) to the mixture to total reaction volume of 50 μL.

  4. Incubate at 37 °C for 30 min.

Activity: 50 units/μg

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